2017 09 Exercice

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You have 30 minutes to answer all 25 questions. If you fail to answer all of them before time runs out, you won't be able to select the answer anymore. Be sure to click SUBMIT at the end!

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PS: We will not check if you answered all of the questions.

During a jump ball between A1 and B1, the ball is touched first by A1 and then by B1. After this the ball touches the floor and then B1 catches the ball. This is legal.

The ball on the A4 shot for a field goal touches the backboard and it is completely above the level of the ring when B4 touches the ball. This is the goaltending violation.

After the last free throw, the ball rebounds from the ring. The ball is touched by B1 and the ball to enter the basket. The goal shall count 2 points.

The ball goes out-of-bounds. Both teams may substitute.

The 3-second rule applies only when a team is in control of the live ball on any place on the court.

The shot clock signal sounds while team A is in control of the ball. The ball becomes dead immediately.

A4 is injured and the game is stopped. As A4 is not able to continue to play immediately, an official blows his whistle making the conventional sign for substitution after which the A4's substitute enters the game. Coach A (or Coach B) requests a time-out. At the end of the time-out, A4 appears to have recovered and asks to remain in the game. A4 may remain in the game.

With 1:33 remaining on the game clock in the 4th period, B1 commits an unsportsmanlike foul on A1 who is dribbling in his backcourt. Team A is granted a time-out. After 2 free throws, the game shall be resumed with team A throw-in at the centre line extended.

During A1 shot for a field goal, the ball bounces on the ring when A2 pushes illegally B2 on the reboundand the foul is called. The ball enters the basket. The goal shall count.

A4 is in the restricted area for 2 seconds. A5 attempts a shot for a field goal. B4 blocks the shot and the ball does not touch the ring. A4, still in the restricted area, catches the ball. A4 shall be allowed to be in the restricted area for another 3 seconds.

A2 is awarded 1 free throw after which B2 is awarded 2 free throws. A2 free throw is not successful. Before the ball becomes live for B2 1st free throw, A6 requests to substitute A2. The request is granted.

The centre line is neither part of the back court nor the front court.

During a jump ball between A1 and B1, the ball is touched first by A1 and then by B1, after which A1 catches the ball. This is legal.

A3 scores a field goal. Team B is granted a time-out. Following the time-out, B4 thrower-in runs along the endline before releasing the ball. This is a violation.

The thrower-in with the ball in his hands steps on (butt over) the boundary line. This is a violation.

With 0.00.1 second remaining on the game clock, A2 is awarded one free throw. The ball rebounds from the ring and A3 taps the ball into the basket. The game clock signal sounds and the coach asks the referee to use the Instant Video Replay. The referee does not use the Instant Replay System and decides that the goal counts.

The playing court is 26 m x 14 m measured from the inside edge of the boundary line.

A4 is dribbling from his backcourt. A4 stops his dribbling with both feet in the backcourt but the ball being dribbled in the frontcourt. This is legal.

A3 is awarded 2 free throws. The ball on the first free throw rebounds from the ring and still has a chance to enter the basket. B5 taps the ball away. The referee calls technical foul on B5.

The game clock signal sounds for the end of the period when A5 with the ball in his hands is in the act of shooting for a field goal. The ball becomes dead immediately.

A1 shot for a field goal is in the air when the game clock signal sounds for the end of the period, after which a foul is committed by A2. The foul has occurred during an interval of play, therefore disregarded.

The shot clock shall be reset when a ball touches the ring on a throw-in.

The thrower-in can run along the end line whenever the throw-in is administered from the end line.

An illegal movement of the pivot foot is a travelling violation.

If it is necessary to protect an injured player, the officials may stop the game immediately.