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2017 09 Exercice

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A1 in his backcourt is dribbling for 4 seconds when a fight starts. A7 and B9 are disqualified for entering the playing court. Team A shall resume the game with a throw-in at the centre line extended. A2 passes the ball to A3 in his backcourt. Team A shall have 4 seconds to move the ball into its frontcourt.

A1 in the air receives a pass. He lands on the floor but losing his balance, with the ball in his both hands, the ball touches the floor. Keeping his pivot foot on the same place, he bends-up and starts a dribble. This is legal.

Team B has fewer than 5 players on the playing court ready to start the game. The team B manager is unable to provide an acceptable explanation for the late arrival of the team B players. The referee shall wait even 30 minutes and the game shall start when the players arrive.

A2 scores a goal which is cancelled because of the A2 travelling violation. Team B shall be awarded a throw-in at the end line.

A1 is dribbling from his backcourt and ends his dribble holding the ball and straddling the centre line. A1 passes the ball to A2 who is also straddling the centre line. The 8 second period shall restart.

Team A has fewer than 5 players on the playing court ready to start the 3rd period due to the injuries, disqualifications etc. Team A shall continue the game with less than 5 players.

The 3-second rule applies only when a team is in control of the live ball on any place on the court.

The referee shall be authorised to use the approved technical equipment to decide if the successful shot for a field goal at the end of a period was released during playing time.

The thrower-in has 5-seconds to pass the ball on the court.

With 1:23 to play in the 4th period, the ball is in the hands of a referee to place the ball at the disposal of A3 for a throw-in. B5 causes contact with A2. The referee calls an unsportsmanlike foul on B5.

The entire ball passed through the basket from below. The subsequent throw-in shall be administered from the free- throw line extended.

During an initial jump ball, the interval of play ends when the ball is legally tapped by a jumper.

With 1:50 remaining on the game clock in the 4th period, A1 scores a basket. A6 and B6 request the substitution. Both requests shall be granted.

A2 is dribbling from his backcourt and has 1 foot already in his frontcourt. A2 passes the ball to A1 who is straddling the centre line. A1 starts to dribble the ball in his backcourt. This is legal.

After 50 seconds of a time-out have elapsed, the timer sounds his signal. Timer sounds his signal 10 seconds later to indicate the end of the time- out. B6 requests the substitution for B1. The request shall be granted.

A player falls to the floor while holding the ball. This is a travelling violation.

A1 shot for a field goal is in the air when the game clock signal sounds for the end of the period, after which a foul is committed by A2. The foul has occurred during an interval of play, therefore disregarded.

The ball is touched simultaneously by A1 and B1 and has gone out-of-bounds. The possession arrows favors team A. During the throw-in, A2 commits the 5-second violation and the ball is awarded to team B. Team B shall be entitled to a throw-in at the next jump ball situation.

A1 scores 2 free throws. Team B requests a time-out after the ball is at B1 thrower-in disposal from the endline. The request shall be granted.

The coach shall designate the free-throw shooter of his team in case of a technical foul.

The ball touches the back of the backboard. The ball has gone out-of-bounds.

The ball on the A4 shot for a field goal is in the air when the game clock signal sounds for the end of the period. The ball rebounds from the ring with still a chance to enter the basket. B4 taps the ball away. This is interference violation.

The 3-second rule applies only when a team is in control of the live ball on any place on the court.

Team A is granted time-out. While the players are moving to their respective bench areas, A1 pushes B1. This is a technical foul.

During the dribbling in the restricted area, A1 is fouled by B1 before starting his act of shooting. A1 continues his movement and releases the ball which enters the basket. Referee cancels the goal and awards team A throw-in. Team A throw-in shall take place at the free-throw line extended.