AdABL vum 11/07/2018
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Rule changes valid as of the season 2018/2019
Please note that these rule changes will be valid as of the first game of the 2018/2019 season. Most important changes: throw-in violations and delays during the last 2 minutes of the game “dribbling” against the backboard 24/14 seconds rule double fouls fighting situations – more precisely concerning players leaving the bench area throw-in after […]
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Invitation: Meeting Coaches / FLBB Referee Instructors
Subjects: Debriefing Season 2017/2018 Unsportsmanlike fouls / Travelling / Marginal fouls / Faking a foul Feedback / Exchange regarding the refereeing instructions New rules 1st October 2018 The Referee Instructor Commission, together with the FLBB, would like to invite all Total League (Men & Women) and Nationale 2 (Men) coaches to a meeting on Sunday, September 2nd, […]
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