Please use the following abbreviations in the title of your video clips:
24S (8S, 5S, 3S) | 24 (8, 5, 3) Seconds |
AOS (FNAOS โ FAOS) | Act Of Shooting (Foul Non โ Foul-) |
BCV | Backcourt – Violation |
BEHAV | Behaviour |
BI, BIV | Basket Interference (Violation) |
CC, XC | Cross Call |
CD | Close Down |
COB | Control of the ball |
COMMU | Communication |
CP, VER | Cylinder (Verticality) |
CS, XS | Cross Step |
DD, IDR | Double Dribble, Illegal Dribble |
DOF | Double Foul |
DW-3W (FAC) | Double Whistle, Triple Whistle, Fantasy Call |
EOG – EOP | End Of Game-End Of Period |
FB | Fast Break |
FBL | Fumble |
FLOP | Flopping – Fake |
FTV | Free Throw Violation |
FVI | Foot Violation |
GMGT | Game Management |
GST | Game Stop |
HC (IUH, JAB) | Hand Checking, Illegal Use of Hands, repeatedly touch |
IOT | Individual Officiating Techniques |
JB | Jump Ball โ situation |
LAND | Landing (Foot-Floor) |
LGP | Legal Guarding Position |
MEC | Mecanique |
MARG | Marginal |
MISSED | missed calls |
NC | No Call |
OFB | Off the Ball |
OFF (BL-CH) | Offensive Foul (Blocking-Charge) |
OOB | Out Of Bounds |
PU, BUMP | Push, Bump |
REB | Rebound Situation |
SC | Screen |
SIGN | Signals |
THIN | Throw-In |
TF | Technical Foul |
RT, RL, RC | Referee Trail, Ref. Lead, Ref. Centre |
TRANS | Transition |
TRAV | Travelling |
UC -> BEHAV | Unsportsmanlike Conduct > Behaviour |
UF (DF) | Unsportsmanlike Foul / Disqualifying Foul |
4F | Foul, Fake, Floor, Foot |