Well d’FLBB Finallen dëse Weekend vum 14 Mäerz ofgesot huet, annuléieren mer och d’Couren vun den Arbitteren fir all Eventualitéiten aus dem Wee ze goen.
Also annuléiert:
- Arbitter-Cours de Freiden Owend 13/3/2020 – 18h30-21h00
- Arbitter-Cours de Sonnden Mueren 15/3/2020 – 09h00-12h30
Merci fir däi Versteesdemech.
As the FLBB has cancelled the finals on Saturday, 14 March, we are also cancelling the referees-clinics to avoid all further problems.
So we’ re cancelling:
- 1. Referee-Clinic on Friday evening 13/3/2020 – 18h30-21h00
- 2. Referee-Clininc on Sunday morning 15/3/2020 – 09h30-12h30
Thank’s for your understanding.
Wärend dem Weekend vun de Coupe-Finallen den 14 Mäerz kënnt den Johhnny Jacobs, instructeur FIBA belge bei eis. De Sonnden 15 Mäerz hëllt hien e Cours fir all d’Basket-Arbitteren, wou hien, ënnert anerem, eng Analyse iwwert den Arbitrage vun deenen 2 Finallen – Dammen an Hären mécht.
De Cours ass am Amphitheater vun der Coque de Sonnden, 15 Mäerz vun 09h30 bis 12h30.
D’Arbitteren aus dem Kader an Instrukteren – Total-League an Nationale 2 – sinn häerzlecht gebieden un dem Cours deelzehuelen.
All déi aner Arbitteren sinn och häerzlech wëllkomm.
During the weekend of the Cup Finals on 14/15 March Johnny Jacobs, Belgian National FIBA Instructor, will visit us. On Sunday, 15th March 2020, he will held a clinic, addressed to all Luxembourg basketball referees. He will do, among other items, an analysis of the two finals, ladies and gentlemen.
The meeting will take place in the amphitheater of the Coque on Sunday 15 March from 09h30 to 12h30.
The instructors and referees of the Total-League & Nationale 2 pool are kindly requested to participate in this workshop.
All other referees are also welcome.