FIBA 3X3 Nominations – Summer 2024
Eis Arbitteren si vun der FIBA fir dës Tournoien nominéiert ginn:
Weider liesenInternational nominations – Summer 2024
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Tournoien nominéiert ginn:
Weider liesenNew Version of the Two-Person Officiating Mechanics for Basketball Referees
We are pleased to announce a new version of the two-person officiating mechanics for basketball referees! This new version, 2024.01, is now available for download here 🔗📄. Changes in Version 2024.01 Version 2024.02 Please note that version 2024.02 is still being finalized and will be released for all games, starting September. Scheduled publication for this […]
Weider liesenYour New AdABL Trolleys Are On Their Way
The AdABL Committee is excited to announce that your discounted referee trolleys have been ordered from the manufacturer! We expect delivery in early June, with the goal of having them ready for distribution at our annual meeting on June 21st. ️ Here’s a quick recap of this deal: Order Window Closed, But… While the official […]
Weider liesenJean Samida
Mat schwéierem Häerz soen mir dem Jean Christian SAMIDA Äddi, engem exzellenten Arbitter, deen iwwer sechs Joerzéngte laang d’ Lëtzebuerger Sportslandschaft gepräägt huet. Schonn 1962 huet hien seng Karriär am Basketball ugefaang an méi wéi 3 300 Matcher geleet (nieft 20 am Äishockey, 100 Handball an 1 500 Partien am Fussball), wou hie seng Fäegkeet a […]
Weider liesenC-Level Referee Candidates: Exams on April 20th!
english below ⬇️ Dëst ass eng kleng Erënnerung un all C-Level Schiedsrichter Kandidaten datt den Examen e Samschdeg, 20. Abrëll 2024 am L.T.P.E.S. ofgehale ginn. Detailer vum Examen: Examensvirbereedung: Den Examen packen: Zousätzlech Ufuerderunge: 🖊️🖊️🖊️ Vergiesst net e Bic matzebréngen! 🖊️🖊️🖊️ 🤞🏻🍀 Mir wënschen Iech vill Gléck bei ärer Examenvirbereedung. 🍀 🤞🏻 This is a […]
Weider liesenCommuniqué de presse
An der Annexe fannt der en Pressecommuniqué deen gëschter un d’Press gaang ass. Veuillez trouver ci-joint un communiqué de presse publié dans les journaux d’aujourd’hui. Please find attached a press release published in today’s papers. PRESS RELEASE The Referees’ Commission of the Luxembourg Basketball Federation (FLBB), as well as the committee of the Luxembourg Basketball […]
Weider liesenIgnite Your Inner Whistle! Become a Basketball Referee!
Calling all sports enthusiasts! Want to be at the heart of the game and ensure fair play? Our beginner referee course is the perfect opportunity to learn the rules, develop your skills, and step onto the court with confidence. ➡️ What you’ll learn: 📆Dates & Times: Who is this for? Anyone passionate about basketball and […]
Weider liesenBig thanks to BBC Sparta Bartreng & Vass Ildikó Basketball for inspiring future refs!
A huge shoutout to both BBC Sparta Bartreng and Vass Ildikó Basketball for their dedication to fostering the next generation of basketball referees! Many thanks to Vass Ildikó Basketball A big thank you to BBC Sparta Bartreng as well Interested in joining the next Flbb referee formation? 👉🏻 Click here 👉🏻 Both these clubs […]
Weider liesenRef-Board AdABL
Nei an eisem Shop! Hei kënnt der e Ref-Board bestellen: Ref-Board AdABL – AdABL
Weider liesenInternational nominations – January 2024
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
Weider liesenMid-Season Clinics for Instructors, LBBL & National 2 Referees
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Follow the link for the location: 🔗🗺️ Saturday, January 13, 2024 Follow the link for the location: 🔗🗺️ Questions for January: Click here: Preseason Clinic – Practices rounds are open! – AdABL
Weider liesenMidseason Clinic – Practices rounds are open!
Beginning today, practice questions are available for all referees. Please find the tests here and refer to your emails for a comprehensive list of all questions. Vun haut un sinn Theoriesfroe fir all Schiedsrichter disponibel. Fannt w.e.g. d’Froen hei a kuckt an Är E-Maile fir eng komplett Lëscht vun alle Froen.
Weider liesenDecember 2023 Newsletter
Overview: 🪙 Payments with Payconiq Payconiq is a mobile payment platform. Club members scan a QR code generated by the referee using the Payconiq app or other payment apps that support Payconiq on their smartphones. Referees and Clubs: Referees are often asked to use Payconiq for payments. Most referees are not familiar with the process, and some may not […]
Weider liesenInternational nominations – October/November/December 2023
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
Weider liesenReferee courses pre-registration
If you’re interested in taking a referee course, please fill out this short form. We will get back to you with more details about our current and future plans. Wann Dir un engem Schiedsrichterkurs interesséiert sidd, fëllt w.e.g. dëse kuerze Formulaire aus. Mir kommen op Iech zeréck mat méi Detailer iwwer eis aktuell a zukünfteg […]
Weider liesenQuiznight
Léif Memberen vun der ADABL,Freides, de 24. November 2023 ab 18h00 invitéieren de Luc Hermann an de Sam Gerin eis op eng weider Editioun vun hirem Pubquiz a Karaoke-Owend am Tennis Clubhouse zu Sandweiler (rue de la Gare, 5237 Sandweiler). Dat ass eng gutt Geleeënheet fir eis och abseits vum Terrain ze gesinn a gemeinsam […]
Weider liesenPreseason questions
Annual Refresher Clinic Regarding 3-PO Refereeing – Conditions Although more than half of the games are played in the 2-PO, many referees overlook this aspect of preparation. Here are some rules regarding the use of 3PO in the pre-season games. During which games Only in games between Which referees? Only referees who are also part […]
Weider liesenRefresher Clinics – Season 2023/24
1. Refresher Clinic for Instructors and Referees of the LBBL et National 2 2. Refresher Clinic for Table Commissioners of the FLBB 3. Refresher Clinic for all Referees of the FLBB 4. Catch up Tests physical and E-Test
Weider liesen