
December 2023 Newsletter

Overview: 🪙 Payments with Payconiq Payconiq is a mobile payment platform. Club members scan a QR code generated by the referee using the Payconiq app or other payment apps that support Payconiq on their smartphones. Referees and Clubs: Referees are often asked to use Payconiq for payments. Most referees are not familiar with the process, and some may not […]

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Referee courses pre-registration

If you’re interested in taking a referee course, please fill out this short form. We will get back to you with more details about our current and future plans. Wann Dir un engem Schiedsrichterkurs interesséiert sidd, fëllt w.e.g. dëse kuerze Formulaire aus. Mir kommen op Iech zeréck mat méi Detailer iwwer eis aktuell a zukünfteg […]

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Léif Memberen vun der ADABL,Freides, de 24. November 2023 ab 18h00 invitéieren de Luc Hermann an de Sam Gerin eis op eng weider Editioun vun hirem Pubquiz a Karaoke-Owend am Tennis Clubhouse zu Sandweiler (rue de la Gare, 5237 Sandweiler). Dat ass eng gutt Geleeënheet fir eis och abseits vum Terrain ze gesinn a gemeinsam […]

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Preseason questions

Annual Refresher Clinic Regarding 3-PO Refereeing – Conditions Although more than half of the games are played in the 2-PO, many referees overlook this aspect of preparation. Here are some rules regarding the use of 3PO in the pre-season games. During which games Only in games between Which referees? Only referees who are also part […]

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Statement on the application of video

After the recent discussions around the use of the video in basketball games in Luxembourg, the basketball federation, in collaboration with the referees’ commission, has worked out a clarifying communication. You can read the full statement / communiqué in French and English below. COMMUNIQUE SUR L’APPLICATION DE LA VIDEOLa commission des arbitres, les responsables des […]

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Referee Newsletter March 2023

Due to recent requests and observations during LBBL-GAMES, the referee commission feels the need to make the following clarifications: “Landing Fouls” REMINDER Communication between coaches and referees Coach and Assistant Coach Bench Control                                                                                                                           Instructor Commission

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Association des Arbitres de Basketball Luxembourgeois

