
Category: Commission des arbitres

Intensive IRS training for Luxembourg’s basketball refs

The top-level referees in Luxembourg are now fully equipped to implement the Instant Replay System (IRS) in upcoming matches. On Wednesday, March 12th, these officials participated in a comprehensive seminar dedicated to the IRS. This thorough training ensures that the referees are well-versed in the new technology and its application. The seminar was strategically timed, […]

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🏀 Game assignments in your personal calendar 📅

Add Your Referee or Commissioner Game Assignments to Your Personal Calendar 🇱🇺 luxembourgish 🇬🇧 english 🇫🇷 french Lëtzebuergesch Mir si frou iech matzedeelen, datt dir elo e Webkalenner mat äre Matcher als Arbitter oder Kommissär an äre perséinleche Kalenner derbäisetze kënnt. Dëst funktionéiert op de meeschte Plattformen: iOS (iPhone, iPad, Mac), Android (Google Kalenner), Windows […]

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Quick Inbound Rules Clarification for U14 and U16 Teams

The quick inbound rule, in the backcourt, is designed to enhance the pace of play in basketball, particularly for U14 and U16 teams. Below is a detailed overview of the rules applicable to these age groups: Violations Allowing Quick InboundA quick inbound is allowed following these violations:– Out of bounds– Traveling– Double dribble– Carrying/palming the […]

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New Uniforms for Enovos League Referees

The Luxembourg Basketball Federation has unveiled new referee uniforms for the 2024-2025 season. These striking orange jerseys mark a significant change in the appearance of officials on the court. Key Details About the New Referee Uniforms: The shift to orange uniforms for referees was prompted by the new league sponsorship with Enovos. This change aims […]

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Important Message for Bascol Referees: Ensuring Fair Play and Professionalism

Dear Clubs and Referees, The BASCOL committee would like us to address all clubs and referees regarding the importance of maintaining high standards of professionalism and fairness in our games. We kindly request your attention to the following points: Referee Responsibilities Remuneration and Expectations Collective Responsibility We want to emphasize that it is everyone’s responsibility […]

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Communiqué de presse

An der Annexe fannt der en Pressecommuniqué deen gëschter un d’Press gaang ass. Veuillez trouver ci-joint un communiqué de presse publié dans les journaux d’aujourd’hui. Please find attached a press release published in today’s papers. PRESS RELEASE The Referees’ Commission of the Luxembourg Basketball Federation (FLBB), as well as the committee of the Luxembourg Basketball […]

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Referee courses pre-registration

If you’re interested in taking a referee course, please fill out this short form. We will get back to you with more details about our current and future plans. Wann Dir un engem Schiedsrichterkurs interesséiert sidd, fëllt w.e.g. dëse kuerze Formulaire aus. Mir kommen op Iech zeréck mat méi Detailer iwwer eis aktuell a zukünfteg […]

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Statement on the application of video

After the recent discussions around the use of the video in basketball games in Luxembourg, the basketball federation, in collaboration with the referees’ commission, has worked out a clarifying communication. You can read the full statement / communiqué in French and English below. COMMUNIQUE SUR L’APPLICATION DE LA VIDEOLa commission des arbitres, les responsables des […]

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Pandemic Control Arrangements

Please be aware of the following Anti-Covid rules concerning ALL games! Sports (concerning player, coaches, officials and referees) 2G+ for EVERYONE over 18 years old, exceptions for professional players and coaches (with a work permit) 2G+ pour TOUS les participants de plus de 18 ans, exceptions pour les joueurs et entraîneurs professionnels (avec contrat de […]

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Cours de recyclage 2021/2022

Cours de recyclage pour les arbitres de la Total League Le cours de recyclage d’avant-saison pour les arbitres de la Total League et de la Nationale II aura lieu les 11 et 15 septembre 2021 (les arbitres appartenant à ce groupe seront avertis personnellement). Programme détaillé: Samedi, 11 septembre 2021 – 9h00 – 12h00: test […]

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Code of conduct fir FLBB Arbitter

Download & english versions as well as FLBB Guidelines below. Den Arbitrage am Basketball wärend der Krisenzäit 1) Mossnamen, déi vum Club solle geholl ginn. D’Veräiner sollen drop oppassen:  Den Delegué(e) de salle / een Offizielle vum Heemveräin desinfizéiert de Ball / d’Bäll virum Warmup, virum 1. Jump Ball a virun all Véierel. De Ball […]

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A.d.A.B.L Generalversammlung, Webinars, Fitness, …

Leif Arbitter- a Kommissärkollegen (-innen), Mir hoffen et geet Iech an äre Léifsten an der aktueller Situatioun gutt an dir sidd all gesond. Nodeems Basketssaison Ufank Mäerz huet misste ënnerbrach an fréizäiteg ofgesot ginn, hu mir alleguerten eng méi laang Basketspaus. Mir hoffen dir freet Iech awer alleguerte fir erem um Terrain ze stoen, wann et “hoffentlech” am September […]

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Circulaire Fair-play

Zum Thema Fair-play huet d’FLBB viru kuerzem e Communiqué veröffentlecht. Dëse wichtegten Thema ass och haut am Wort (Print an E-Paper-Versioun) an am Quotidien (http://www.lequotidien.lu/a-la-une/basket-fair-play-la-federation-prend-les-devants/) opgegraff ginn. The FLBB has shortly published a letter concerning “fair-play”. Luxembourgish newspapers Lëtzebuerger Wort (Print and E-Paper-Versioun) and Quotidien (http://www.lequotidien.lu/a-la-une/basket-fair-play-la-federation-prend-les-devants/) published their coverage concerning this important topic today.

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Association des Arbitres de Basketball Luxembourgeois

