Preseason questions
Annual Refresher Clinic Regarding 3-PO Refereeing – Conditions Although more than half of the games are played in the 2-PO, many referees overlook this aspect of preparation. Here are some rules regarding the use of 3PO in the pre-season games. During which games Only in games between Which referees? Only referees who are also part […]
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Refresher Clinics – Season 2023/24
1. Refresher Clinic for Instructors and Referees of the LBBL et National 2 2. Refresher Clinic for Table Commissioners of the FLBB 3. Refresher Clinic for all Referees of the FLBB 4. Catch up Tests physical and E-Test
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International nominations – Summer 2023
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Tournoien nominéiert ginn:
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FIBA 3X3 Nominations – Summer 2023
Eis Arbitteren si vun der FIBA fir dës Tournoien nominéiert ginn:
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GSSE 2023 – Malta
Watch all the games here -> Malta Basketball Association 5X5 3X3
Weider liesenAGO 2023
Save the date: 09/06/2023 📅 Location: Hotel Simon’s Plaza 🔗
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Statement on the application of video
After the recent discussions around the use of the video in basketball games in Luxembourg, the basketball federation, in collaboration with the referees’ commission, has worked out a clarifying communication. You can read the full statement / communiqué in French and English below. COMMUNIQUE SUR L’APPLICATION DE LA VIDEOLa commission des arbitres, les responsables des […]
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Referee Newsletter March 2023
Due to recent requests and observations during LBBL-GAMES, the referee commission feels the need to make the following clarifications: “Landing Fouls” REMINDER Communication between coaches and referees Coach and Assistant Coach Bench Control Instructor Commission
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International nominations – February 2023
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
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LBBL Referees & Commissioners Refresher January 2023
Some impressions from our last refresher in January of 2023: Thanks to Manuel Fonseca, Alain Steffes and Ray Hoffmann for the pictures!
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International nominations – January 2023
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
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FIBA 3×3 Basketball Rules
Hei fannt der all d’Reegelen zum 3×3 Tournament op Englesch: All dës Informatiounen, an nach vill méi, sinn och op dem Site vun der FIBA ze fannen: http://www.fiba.com/3×3
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International nominations – December 2022
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
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International nominations – November 2022
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
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FLBB Referee course – Cycle inférieur & Cycle moyen
Beginner Level Course – Cycle inférieur Date Time Program Place Instructor 25.02.2023 09:00 – 12:00 Concept and symbols; The playing court; Teams and uniforms; Preparing for a game; Pre-game duties; Playing time; Jump ball and Active and passive official; value of made goal; Throw-in; substitution; Time-out; Player in act of shooting; Free-throws INS Salle […]
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International nominations – October 2022
Eis Arbitteren a Kommissären si vun der FIBA fir dës Matcher nominéiert ginn:
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OBR2022 / Rule Changes material
Following supporting material is available for Official Basketball Rules 2022 (valid as of 1st October 2022). Rule Changes Presentation (in English) *Format: PowerPoint http://fiba-iref-academylibrary.nubedemos.com/cdn/OBR2022_NF_Presentation_EN 15 Video Clips (in English) *Format: mp4 http://fiba-iref-academylibrary.nubedemos.com/cdn/OBR2022_NF_Videos_ENNote: For the order and placement of videos in the presentation please see the webinar recording. Rule Changes Webinar Recording65 min (in English) *Format: […]
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Preseason Refresher Courses
All referees: ✅ Wedneday, September 07, 2022: ZOOM-WEBINAR 19h00 – 20h30: 2PO Mechanics based on Clips from the Youth Finals 2022 ✅ Saturday, September 10, 2022: INS – HAL 2 (Google maps here 🔗. Detailed plan available here 🔗) 08h45 – 09h30: Physical tests for LBBL Referees (see detailed plan in mail) 09h30 – 10h30: […]
Weider liesenTarifs for the 2022/2023 season
Hommes/Men Dames/Women Total League 90 € 60 € Nationale 2 65 € 38 € Others 38 € 28 € Espoirs / 1. Div. Cadets 38 € 33 € Youth Teams 28 € 28 € Bascol 38 € Semi-finals and finals, Coupe de Luxembourg & Coupe des Dames: Doubled. Friendly games: Hommes/Men Dames/Women Total League & […]
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